
Künye, Imprint, Impressum
Symposia Dadia
Datça Aphroditesi’nin Etrafında Knidos, Heykel Sanatı, Kadın ve Bugün
SUNUŞ .................................................................11
Knidos’ta Kazı Tarihçesi ve Bugün,
Prof. Dr. Ertekin Doksanaltı........................23
Knidoslu Kadınların Gözünden
Tanrıça Demeter
Doç. Dr. Güray Ünver............................. ........45
Aphrodite Euploia
Denizcilerin Koruyucu Tanrıçası
Dr. Britta Özen-Kleine ..................................65
Phryne: Öncesi ve Sonrası
Dr. Deniz Pastutmaz Sevmen.....................83
Knidos Afroditi: Seks sembolü mü yoksa modern kadının ön örneği mi?
Prof. Dr. Christine Özgan ............................111
Kasabanın Heykelleri
Heykeltıraş Elbruz Denge ..........................131
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Symposia Dadia
Knidos, Sculpture, women and today around Aphrodite of Datça
Table of content
INTRODUCTION ...........................................145
Excavation History at Knidos
Prof. Dr. Ertekin Doksanaltı ...................157
Through the Eyes of the Knidian Women: Goddess Demeter
Assoc. Prof. Güray Ünver ........................179
Aphrodite Euploia: The patron goddess of seafarers
Dr. Britta Özen-Kleine ............................199
Phryne: Before and after her
Dr. Deniz Pastutmaz Sevmen ...............219
Aphrodite of Knidos: Sex symbol or precursor of the modern woman?
Prof. Dr. Christine Özgan .......................249
Sculptures of the Town
Skulptor Elbruz Denge ...........................269
© The texts and images in this book are protected by intellectual property rights held by various individuals and institutions. Texts may not be used without citing the source. Images may not be used without the permission of the individuals and institutions mentioned in the source. This book or a part of it may not be multiplied, copied or published in any form, without written permission
This book has been produced with the support of the European Union. It is the responsibility of the publisher and the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
Symposia Dadia
Knidos, Skulptur, Frauen und Heute um Aphrodite von Datça
EINFÜHRUNG ..........................................285
Geschichte der Ausgrabungen in Knidos
Prof. Dr. Ertekin Doksanaltı ..............297
Die Göttin Demeter aus der Sicht der Knidischen Frauen
Assoz. Prof. Güray Ünver .....................321
Aphrodite Euploia: Schutzgöttin der Seefahrer
Dr. Britta Özen-Kleine .........................343
Phryne: Vor und Nach Ihr
Dr. Deniz Pastutmaz Sevmen ...........363
Aphrodite von Knidos: Sexsymbol oder Vorläuferin der modernen Frau? Prof. Dr. Christine Özgan ...................395
Skulpturen der Gemeinde
Bildhauer Elbruz Denge .......................417
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Dieses Buch wurde mit Unterstützung der Europäischen Union erstellt. Sie liegt in der Verantwortung von der Herausgeberin und den Autoren. Sie gibt nicht unbedingt die Meinung der Europäischen Union wieder.